Collection: Break of Day Astrology

Astrological Readings focused on your strengths, challenges, and potential. To know thyself is powerful and transformational!

The birds they sang at the break of day
Start again I heard them say
Don't dwell on what has passed away
Or what is yet to be
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack, a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in

       -Leonard Cohen, Anthem


About Break of Day Astrology

Astrology is a fascinating ancient tool that can bring opportunities
for clarity, perspective, self awareness, self love and acceptance, understanding and liberation. It can provide direction and areas to focus on, and to let go of. Knowing and understanding yourself can be a powerful and healing journey!

I do not use Astrology as a fortune- telling method. I believe that we all were born into this world with certain energies, influenced by the planets and the stars. We all come from stardust, and all things contain energy, radiating frequencies. We may have come into this world with specific energies and situations to work with, but it is our choice, our free will to work with those energies in the ways that we do.

I practice Western Astrology, and have learned from and been influenced by mentors and practitioners of Esoteric, Evolutionary, and Humanistic Astrology.

Working with me, you can expect insights, empathy, opportunities for breakthroughs, and the capacity for holding space and diving in deep. It's an exciting, potentially tender process, and I am here for you.

Your birth information and your story is held in confidentiality. I strive to create a safe, welcoming space for you. You are welcome to record our meeting for future reference, in fact I recommend it. I can also provide recordings for you.

Check out my astrological offerings here, and check back as I add more.

You are welcome to reach out to me on my Contact page if you have any questions!

Image Credit: NASA

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