
Hello, my name is Angelina and I am the creator of the products and services that you see here at Vibrant Earth Botanicals and Break of Day Astrology.

I create artisan, small batch skincare products, pressed botanical art, and provide astrological chart readings, among other creative and artistic endeavors.

Why am I providing three (or more) different products and services? Because I value and use all three in my life, and in true Venus in Gemini fashion, I couldn't pick just one! The variety that these three pillars provide keeps me inspired, interested, and satisfies a need to contribute to the world in a way that is uniquely me.

I hope that my offerings provide you nourishment, enjoyment, and satisfaction on many different levels.

In joy,


About My Offerings

About Vibrant Earth Botanicals Skincare

Vibrant Earth Botanicals Skincare was created to fulfill my personal skincare needs, and soon it evolved to serve the needs of others.

I've had sensitive skin all of my life. In my 30's I developed eczema. In my 40's, as my hormones changed, so did my skin, namely becoming much drier and feeling more fragile.

I was already spending a lot of money on different creams, either to have a negative skin reaction or feel no real benefit. And I didn't feel great about how many strange ingredients made their way into even the more naturally based skincare products.

I was also not happy with all the fancy plastic containers that everything came in, that I couldn't recycle and added to my feelings of guilt about consumption and waste.

I decided I wanted to try making my own skincare products. I took some classes, learned some things about herbalism and how to make various salves and balms.

My products worked just as well, and actually, better than products that I had purchased from big companies! I sent skincare gifts out to friends and family and got some incredible feedback. Vibrant Earth Botanicals was born!

I am committed to using organic and ethically sourced ingredients whenever possible, and supporting small farms that utilize organic and regenerative agriculture.

I am committed to sourcing packaging from non-plastic, eco friendly sources.

And I am committed to infusing every batch of products that I make with love, care, and intention.

Thanks for reading. Enjoy!

About Break of Day Astrology

Ever since I read my first Sun-sign horoscope as a child, I have been fascinated with the concept of Astrology. I still hold this sense of wonder, but now I possess the tools to understand the symbolic language of astrology and it's processes on a deeper level. It has given me a huge gift, one that I will be peeling back the onion layers (or opening the flower petals) of over and over again, finding new depths of understanding. And I am here to share that gift of discovery with you.

Astrology is a fascinating ancient tool that can bring opportunities
for clarity, perspective, self awareness, self love and acceptance, understanding and liberation. It can provide direction and areas to focus on, and to let go of. Knowing and understanding yourself can be a powerful and healing journey!

I do not use Astrology as a fortune- telling method. I believe that we all were born into this world with certain energies, influenced by the planets and the stars. We all come from stardust, and all things contain energy, radiating frequencies. We may have come into this world with specific energies and situations to work with, but it is our choice, our free will to work with those energies in the ways that we do.

I practice Western Astrology, and have learned from and been influenced by mentors and practitioners of Esoteric, Evolutionary, and Humanistic Astrology.

Working with me, you can expect insights, empathy, opportunities for breakthroughs, and the capacity for holding space and diving in deep. It's an exciting, potentially tender process, and I am here for you.

Your birth information and your story is held in confidentiality. I strive to create a safe, welcoming space for you. You are welcome to record our meeting for future reference, in fact I recommend it. I can also provide recordings for you.

Pressed Botanical Art

My Pressed Botanical Art is inspired from the incredible abundance, diversity, and beauty of this earth, and specifically, of plants.

I am an organic gardener, and have learned appreciation for the roles that all sorts of plants and creatures play. Even "weeds" are beautiful, and many serve multiple purposes.

I or people I know grow all the flowers and plants in my pressed art pieces. If I buy flowers to use in my art, I support local, organic growers.

When a flower first blooms, no matter how excited I am to pick and press something new and gorgeous, I will slow down and observe. If it is the first to bloom in the season, I will not pick it. I also like to make sure that I don't over-pick any one plant. I am here to share with other species, whether insects, bees, butterflies, animals, or the plants themselves.

The pieces available on my website are prints without frames. The prints are made with high quality acid-free art paper and archival inks.

Thank you for supporting my art and appreciating the plant world! They will add a special touch to your indoor space.